Saturday, December 27, 2008

Travel Log: Vermont

Day 1: The Drive

We left at around 9:30 as we embarked on our 6 and a half hour drive. On the way, we picked up Paul, my Dad's friends who would be staying with us at the condo in VT. I read half of Terry Pratchett's "Thief of Time" on the way up. When we got there, we opened christmas gifts. My mother Got bathing suits, my father got new shorts, and I GOT TICKETS TO SEE THE JERSEY BOYS!!! Ok, so after dinner (spaghetti and meatsauce made from venison) we watched "The Dark Knight" and went to sleep.

Day 2: The rough day

We went skiing at around 10 in the morning. It kinda sucked. eh, actually it was alright. I only skied until 1:30 though, too tired. That night, we had a HUGE dinner of beef, salad, grilled asparagus, and lobster. I then took a shower and relaxed some more.

Day 3: The Russians are coming!

We went skiing again, and it was much more fun. The conditions were much more favorable, and I felt a little less sore and tired, as I got accustomed to the altitude and climate. That night, we ate tacos, and watched blazing saddles as well as Jack*ss number two. (Its a movie Ms. Morrison!) It wasnt all fun and games though. I went to the hot tub that night, and this HUGE family of russians was there. Seriously, there were at least 20 of these guys. Ok, So after my soaking, I go into the sauna and see them throwing snow on the heater, the heater is electric, and produces a dry heat, so any water will cause it to short out. So I say to them, "Dont do that" and this fat one covered in hair (like something out of Borat) says "Who says" in a thick accent. I reply "The sign outside, it says no water on the heater." And this young russian goes "Its snow, its different than water," in an equally horrific accent. The fat one then goes "If you have problem, too bad." I then called the front desk and OWNED THOSE RUSSIANS! YEAH! IRON CURTAIN MY FOOT!

Day 4: The drive home.

We spent all morning loading up the car. The drive home stunk. Im now writing this about an hour after arriving. Time to eat pizza.

1 comment:

cwbrianna08 said...

wow. Sounds like you had an interesting trip. I love skiing. I usually go cross country, and I have gone down hill once. We usually go to Breton Woods, or Jackson, New Hampshire, or we got to Lake George in NEw York. (which we only went there once.) The one time we went to New Hampshire, we took our time coming home, and we decided to stop at this really ncie hotel in I think MAssachusetts. Well, the hot tub was outside. So I took a towel wrapped it around me and ran and jumped into the hot tub outside with the towel still around me. When I got out there, there were these kids and parents rolling in the snow, and then jumping into the hot tub. Crazy I know. And some kids were bringing snow into the hot tub, and I was like, can you stop? youre going to make the HOT TUB cold. Its supposed to stay HOT. That's why its called a HOT TUB. It was interesting to find out that they all got really bad frostbite.