I bet many of you are reading this expecting to find a silly, satirical jabbering of nonsense satirizing my personal beliefs and ideas. WELL THINK AGAIN FOOLS! This is SERIOUS. This imaginary country is going to WORK, whether you like it or not!
Step 1: Location, Location, Location.
I will barter with the country of Romania to sell me a small part of its heavily forested land. Its best for a fledgling nation if Its as secluded as possible. Logging will be prohibited, however, and humans shall build around the forests rather than destroy them
Step 2: Don't mess with me: Armed forces.
The militia of Zane-sylvania will be mostly guerrilla warfare. We shall use our forests to our advantage, and the sniper training will be a must for all volunteers in the militia.
Step 3: HEY! MUST BE THE MONEY!; Economy.
The Economy of Zane-sylvania will be all about tourism. In a world like ours, people will pay good money to enjoy a rural area. Zane-sylvania will be all they could want and more. Another major export could be minerals, but only in regulated amounts. Agriculture could play a major role possibly.
Step 4: The Anthem.
The national Anthem of Zane-sylvania will be the "When I'm calling you" song from Dudley Do-right. Don't argue.
Step 5: Allies:
The country should be strongly allied with the central European countries, as well as Russia. The United States can be neutral. England is neutral too.
Step 6: Government:
The country would be run by a council of citizens. This council members are determined by the votes of the public. I will play no part in this government, I just provide the country's name.
Ok, lets open this baby up! LONG LIVE ZANE-SYLVANIA!

1 comment:
I like Shrineland better. =3
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