Monday, October 20, 2008

Math and the universe

HAve you ever truly wondered about the symbol "Pi." That little symbol, that little function we all take for granted as we punch the keys on our calculators, Is infinite. Infinity. It will never and can never stop. It blows your mind. This is a two dimensional symbol that moves without moving, it forever calculates new decimal places in the constant pursuit of perfection. Incredible. The entire universe contained in a little symbol. The universe essentially works in numbers. Planetary orbits have algorithms, Comets have calculated trajectories. And we humans are the only ones in the solar system who have figured it all out.

Have you ever just stared at the sky and thought? I did yesterday. As I stared at the sunset, I slightly raised my eyes a bit and soon I was staring straight up, straining my neck. I realized then, that my gaze continued on for an infinite amount of lightyears, With new planets, galaxys, and even universes to be discovered. I wonder what other universes are like. Maybe they're a nicer place. Oddly enough, as I stared into the abyss, I no longer feared death, (which I do on a regular basis). Theres so much Im unaware of in this existence, so much that I could learn. so much, in fact, that it would be impossible to learn it all. This pleased me, alot. I knew then that no matter what happened to me or what I did, that great big universe we merely take a speck of will keep on existing, keep on expanding. I've never been one for religion, but I suddenly embraced a higher power in my existance- the universe itself. Earth is simply a speck of dust on the dashboard of reality. A breeze could wipe it away. And Im just fine with that. In fact, I almost feel pride in the fact that we as humans have existed this long. Have stood against a harsh and cruel universe surrounding us. Come on universe. Im ready to take what you throw at me. Ill be ready and waiting.


Michael Mysophiliac said...

Pi isn't infinite. It's a conrete and definite number, hence it exists around us. It is our numerical system that is flawed. With infite largeness, there must be infite smallness. Since our system goes by a solid of tens, that skips so many and there's so much backtracking to fill the voided numbers. To truly have a real numeric system (however too difficult for anyone to really use) there must be a unique symbol for every possible amount to exist. Our numerical system only concentrates on what's real to us. Only numbers that have any significance. Thus, when you explore beyond and into insane physics, there's so many flaws. Even Hawking himself took back his proposal of black holes just a few years ago.

You see, here's a true reality check, you do not give off energy in this world. You fiend from it, you absorb it all into yourself, and exert it. However, you do not create any of it. "Matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Only changed in form." You exist because all else exists with you. You cannot exist alone. It's impossible to have TRULY independent. So your gaze was motionless, yet you pulled into yourself all there is beyond just a short stare. That it's all for you, and you for it all. Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, proposed this idea of ideas and thoughts being more real than objects; they're merely all perceptions. The true and absolute answer is always available to you, you need to capture it. That's why I don't see how anyone can label a song as their own. They were the FIRST to perform it, however someone else can easily think up the same thing. Their is no dumb nor smart people. It's only a matter of time before someone's thoughts are updated, corrected or by any other means enhanced. I'm rather informed with this, and people of this field and the field itself cannot explain how chemical reactions create nor process thoughts. Their is a conscious within us all. Do we need this powerhouse of energy, labelled your corpse, to allow the mind to still exist? Or will your thoughts be eternal and you think forever; never to cease. Ignorance is bliss. Before you find the answers, make sure you're willing to know.

Larissa Richelle said...

Pi isn't an infinite decimal. Nothing is "infinite." Pi has an end- it just hasn't been calculated yet. Same with everything else. =)

Also, I agree with everything mike said. I think. I skimmed it, cuz it was so long, but... yeah. I'll shut up now. <__<