Thursday, October 16, 2008

Journal time: Beef Jerkey

Do you know what the greatest invention on earth is? I'll tell you... its not penicilin, its not bulletproof vests. It is'nt even fire itself. Its Beef Jerkey. Thats right... that novelty food you non-believers have shunned for so long as a piece of simple dried beef is the material equivalent of Nirvana (not the band). Why, you ask? This glorious snack has the power to enslave the minds of Humans. I could say, "So-and-so, fetch me a SANDWICH!" and bada-bing, I will have a sandwich in due time. True but unknown facts: Beef Jerkey started the American civil war. The confederacy raided the national supply of beef jerkey, but used the raid on harpers ferry as a cover up. Beef Jerkey caused the nixon-watergate scandal. The incriminating tapes would have gone unheard, if it werent for a bag of beef jerkey resting in a window that a passerby saw while going for an evening walk and immediately ran for the all-powerful beef treat. Scientists have even found traces of Element J (Jerkey) in the craters of the arizona desert, suggesting that A massive comet made of Beef Jerkey Killed the dinosaurs. BEHOLD THE JERKEY! RESPECT THE JERKEY! FEAAAAR THE JERKEY! Thank You.


ENG2ZIZI08 said...

I think you are a great writer and you really know what you are doing. You should really consider writing as a proffession(i think i spelled that wrong). Anyway, keep on writing no matter what! :)

CWTeacher said...

To paraphrase Woody Allen, "How'll we ever stop that fiendish Jerky?"

I was amazed by the trouble this beef treat has caused through the ages!

cwbrianna08 said...

Hey Zane, Well I always wondered what Beef Jerkey tasted like. To me it looks like a dog treat. DId Beef Jerkey really start the American civil war? because if it did that would be mighty cool! Does it even taste good? or like what other food does it taste like? I have always wondered.... hope you can answer my questions. Thanks.

CWJordan08 said...

I sure hope you learned that from the good ole' Dr. Schenker. Cause that is definetly something he would say. And as for Beef Jerky...I beg to differ. I am a complete contrarian when it comes to food. I should probably inform you, that I am a vegetarian. Haha. I am not a picky eater- but I disagree with what most people consider a good meal. Haha. But, I think the Jerky looks and smells like somthing I would never consume, ever. Sorry! But, if it makes you happy... eat on Zane!