Sunday, November 9, 2008

Raking... and Fight Club!

Boy, I sure do love raking! Isnt it delightfully futile how as you pick up leaves, new ones just blow in their place? Even better is how your hands smell like decaying leaves for the whole day. Seriously, sometimes I just want to take a flamethrower to my yard. I should probably get back to raking, but I would much rather blog right now. So anyway I just watched that movie "Fight Club." Pretty wild. I wish I had a split personality that made me do really awesome things... well, not the whole destruction of property and financial chaos thing, but you get the idea. My split personality wouldnt be Brad Pitt though... It would be Abraham Lincoln. Nah, Honest Abe wouldn't do very cool things. ok ok ok, I got it! My split personality would be Bender from Futurama, yeah. That would be awesome. I think I have a SERIOUS problem with Zombies right now. Every other night I have a nightmare about them. Seriously though, they are so scary. RANDOMNESS OVERDOSE! EXPLOSION IMMINENT IN 3! 2! 1! ......


CwChrissy08 said...

I KNOW! LEAVES!! the worst, though, is when I'm at the barn, and we have to rake THE ENTIRE PROPERTY and on friday, THE LEAVES WERE WET. not fun at all. especially when the person you're raking with throws more leaves at you then they put in the wheel-barrow.
The whole more curses than a sailor thing is the only point on there(I think..) that doesnt apply to me. I do my best not to curse.

JJ said...

Ok So Im a little slow on the draw so to speak but Im replying about your Books Zane. The Disc world series sounds Very intresting. It seems like you caught my attention with the whole "Convulsing Vampire" thing. Im deffinately gonna check this book series out.

Mike said...

You're crazy. I totally agree with the leaves sentiments, but then you want to be a schizophrenic, and personally, I just don't think I'm ready for that kind of lack of commitment yet. Plus your blog blew up on me. That wasn't very nice.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I hate raking XP My friend actually has a terrible fear of zombies. She gets really freaked out when somebody mentions them. I've never watched fight club, but it sounds pretty good. But yeah, that zombeh problem does sound a bit intense. Maybe no more horror movies?