Saturday, January 24, 2009

A late night blog. Yay!

First of all,

Second of all, Im tired. I wish I didnt have a funeral to go to tomorrow (no, Im not saying who, and dont apologize or anything. I dont need it.) Im really just writing this blog to get some extra credit for some more entries. Yeah. I just finished my alphabetical poem. That was fun. I played "Portal" yesterday; The greatest video game ever made. Seriously, if you guys ever get the chance to play it, do so. I bought new shoes today. The Sales lady was a jerk, I wanted to shove the loafer down her throat. Ok, maybe not, but she didnt have to be so mean. Meany. aaahhh, Im so tired, Im writing this with my eyes closed, Ill spell check it later. Yaaawn. Heh, that funny. I have so much computer experience that I can write with my eyes closed. lalala, look at me type with my eyes clooosed! Jeez, I really need to cut down my computer time. I met Ms. Lombardi, the old chorus teacher, at the mall today. That was nice. GAAAAH! I DONT WANT TO DO THIS TOMORROW! IT WILL BE SO AWKWARD! so I really want to be in a civil war reenactment. That would be so cool. I want to be a confederate cannoneer. "EAT LEAD YOU YANKEE PIG! YEEEEEHAAAAW!" Or a union cannoneer "EAT LEAD YOU REDNECK PIG! WOOOOOOOO!" yeeeppp. I want to research my family history. OH! I got my haircut today. That was nice, Sal always does a good job. Ok, Im falling asleep, and its nearing midnight, so I think Ill end this blog. Good night everyone!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Every Morning, I die a little inside.

The sharp beeping of my alarm clock

starts the downward spiral.

My dry mouth feels like I ate

a jar of cotton balls.

I try to fix it with a nice cup of strong coffee.

The smooth flavor fills my mouth.

I walk out into the freezing air of morning

Ready to begin my day

I stand at the bus stop, shivering,

waiting to get on the dirty smelly

exhaust spewing beast of a vehicle

I shuffle past my friends

mumbling primordial grunts

which are accepted as greetings

I go to my homeroom

and put my face on the cold hard desk.

Another day...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hey there creative writing class, how are things going in WINTER WEATHER!!! hahahaha! Anywhooo, Im having a great time in Mexico. I went jet skiing today, and in the next few days im going fishing, snorkeling, and going on a sunset cruise. Its really warm here, but not humid. Im kinda flustered though, because Im on my last book and its only the third day. I NEED TERRY PRATCHETT! The last book I read was "The Wee Free Men," and it was really good. OH OH OH! last night I watched this movie called apocalypto. It was about these aztecs and it was really violent. I also watched "V for Vendetta," which is a really good flick. I also watched the simpsons in spanish. Anyway, I cant wait to face the mountain of makeup homework when I get back, but Im really loving it here. ZANE SIGNING OFF!